On sale

PRINT Cicada Package - Limited Quantities



Five art prints include the work of Jennifer Angus, Lianne Pflug, Raku Inoue, Ryan Berkley, and Sydney Hanson. The package of 5x7s is exclusive to those purchasing the Cicadapocalypse graphic novel, and is limited to 200 packages.

For details about the art prints, visit https://mcmullanhouse.org/portfolio/insect-art/

Cicadapocalypse is a 90-page, educational graphic novel that's ideal for ages 8-12. Vetted by educators, entomologists, and children's authors, this lively story is bound to capture curious minds as millions of periodical cicadas take over 17 of the eastern United States this spring.

Once every 17 years, millions of red-eyed beasts emerge from the earth and fill the forest with their song.

Follow squirrels Fae (a prepper) and Cyrus (a foodie) as they confront an invasion of
periodical cicadas.

This is in PRINT format.